Articles on: Billing

How to cancel my Expat Prime Subscription

You can cancel your Expat Prime Subscription anytime without any further notice. If you're experiencing any technical issue, simply talk to our expert around the clock and we can assure you a hassle-free service. IPTV service won't be perfect and you cannot compare it with a NetFlix or Youtube streaming (HD). We offer a completely transparent service when it comes to automatic billing.

We're constantly checking to improve our service on a daily basis. We wish you to stay with us.
Simply follow the instructions below to cancel the subscription using the customer portal.
Login to your account.
Click on the "Subscription" to view the details.

From the screen, simply click on the option "Cancel subscription".

We recommend to mention the reason for your cancelation, you can simply type in the feedback of the service and it means a lot for us :)

Minimum billing period is a month. If you cancel the subscription using the customer portal, it will show you the date of cancelation and click on "Cancel Subscription" to confirm.

Updated on: 17/07/2019

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